We bought a Big Deal coupon - Maybe Baby Couple Date. It consisted of a talk, a goodies bag, popcorn with drinks and movie tickets for 2. The best is it only cost $12. That is also the reason why I forced myself up last night to purchase the next couple date in May.
We reached Cineleisure early and sat down at Artease for bubble tea. Although, we reached the registration point early, people are queuing at the booth already. The registration was rather smooth and we received our goodies bag. : )

These are some of the cute stuffs in the goodies bag.

The movie date started with the marriage and getting a baby early talk. The talk was rather boring though. However, I do agree the point of having at least a baby or better two before 30 (for ladies). The screened movie was The Hunger Game. It was much more interesting and exciting than what I thought, worth catching it.

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