# Bride's price as a gift from the groom to the bride's parents for bringing her up.
娉金 - 感谢父母的养育之恩
# Two pairs of dragon and phoenix candles to signify the couple is a perfect match. To most dialects, it would be 2 pairs of candles with the bride's family keeping the dragons and returning the phoenix to the groom's family.
龙凤蜡烛 - 天生一对, 龙凤配
男方入门,龙凤烛一对女方出嫁, 双凰烛一对
# Mandarin Oranges refers to good fortune and hence are often presented in even numbers.
桔子 - 大吉大利, 吉祥如意, 花开富贵
# 2 bottles of Brandy / Martell
# Grains consisting:
1. Red Dates - symbolizes the bearing of a male child 红枣 = 生男孩
2. Red Beans and Green Beans - represents offsprings 红豆和绿豆 = 子孙满堂
3. Dried longans - often with their shells to represent completeness 龙眼干 = 圆圆满满, 完完整整
4. Lotus Seeds - symbolizes the bearing of many child 莲子 = 连招贵子
5. Lily Bulbs - symbolizes everlasting marriage 百合 = 百年好合
6. Pomegranate leaves bless the union with fertility. Chinese also believe that pomegranate leaves have the power to ward off evil. 番石榴/红花
7. Persimmons
# Pig Trotters. This is serve as a gift to the bride's mother for washing and cleaning the bride when she was young.
(福建人习俗) 猪脚罐 = 洗屎肉
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Fernvale Palms Progress - 26 Feb 2012
I took this photo from the Fernvale Palms progress facebook which commented that 433B is building the 20th level now. But, i tried calculating the floor level from the picture. it seems like it has just completed level 19, starting the construction of level 20.
We Selected The 龙凤镯
Dear and I finally saw the 龙凤镯 that we both like - simple, modern and sweet. It is a small bangle and cost less than half the budget that I have set aside for it. It 916 gold. I have always wanted 999 gold instead. But, most jewellery shops have commented that 916 is harder to prevent unwanted damage to the gold.
Hopefully, the gold price dropped in March. It's rocket price now.
Hopefully, the gold price dropped in March. It's rocket price now.
TNP Wedding Road Show 2012
Dear and I signed our bridal photoshoot package with YC at last year TNP wedding road show. We were at Habour Front today so went to take a look at Orchard Hotel wedding package.
I am glad we booked our wedding banquet very early last year. There are quite a handful of perks that we have last year that was not included in this year package.
1) Increase in price.
2) No free flow of beer.
3) No complementary wine per table for wedding lunch.
4) No complimentary use of function room for solemnisation.
Suddenly, feel that we have got a very good deal, though there was a small hiccups last year. : )
I am glad we booked our wedding banquet very early last year. There are quite a handful of perks that we have last year that was not included in this year package.
1) Increase in price.
2) No free flow of beer.
3) No complementary wine per table for wedding lunch.
4) No complimentary use of function room for solemnisation.
Suddenly, feel that we have got a very good deal, though there was a small hiccups last year. : )
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sweetest Moments Gallery of Wedding Cards
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Wedding Invitation Phase 1: Sec Sch & JC Frens
22 Feb
I finally invited my friends via FB n sms. Here's the FB invitation page. There are some more friends I have yet to invite and Phase 2 will be my colleagues. =). Gong should start his invitation soon.
I finally invited my friends via FB n sms. Here's the FB invitation page. There are some more friends I have yet to invite and Phase 2 will be my colleagues. =). Gong should start his invitation soon.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Our Blog Is 1 Year and 3 Days Old
I just realised our blog is already 1 year and 3 days old. I started this blog Feb last year.
Fernvale Palms Progress - 19 Feb 2012
I ran from home to Fernvale Palms again, to exercise and also take a look at the project progress. Our block is completing the 19th floor and progressing to the 20th floor. Finally, the last lap - 20th to 27th level. However, 432B is still progress faster than our block. So, the rumor that the main contractor is expediting 433B may not be that true. The progress of the flat is still at 2 levels per month. The civil contruction for Fernvale Crest is closed to completion. Most of the blocks are at 26th level (top level) now. Hopefully, the main contractor shift the workers over to Fernvale Palms to speed up the whole project. Think the chances of getting our home by this year is very low. If everything goes well, a good 9 months for E&M installation and commisioning will see us getting our flat in March 2013. Pray hard.
I just saw that there is bbq pit near to our home. Maybe, we can try a bbq there before the pit gets dirty. There is also a bakery shop beside the new Kopitiam, didn't quite remember that I saw it when I visited previously.
I just saw that there is bbq pit near to our home. Maybe, we can try a bbq there before the pit gets dirty. There is also a bakery shop beside the new Kopitiam, didn't quite remember that I saw it when I visited previously.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Secrets To A Lasting Marriage
This is what I read on Yahoo Singapore, interesting article to share.
Be pro-active about your issues
Gone are the days when couples counseling meant you were headed for splitsville. Instead of being confused by conflicting unsolicited advice, many modern couples seek professional or spiritual guidance from a neutral third party. There are different reasons couples come to counseling: the need for clarification on certain issues like parenting, roles and expectations; because of a current crisis like accidents, death, or financials; or to find healing like in cases of infidelity. A common factor is to seek assistance in understanding, accepting, and healing a current situation that is causing pain or confusion in the relationship.
The element of surprise
Every so often, do something unexpected to keep the passion alive. Simple thoughtful acts—like surprise visit to his/her office for a lunch date, love-notes, weekend getaways, cooking special meals, giving gifts even when there's no occasion, a soothing massage—can add flavor to daily routines as a couple.
Put your partner before your pride
Instead of playing the blame game, put yourself in your spouse's shoes and see the situation from his point of view. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Cool off before saying something hurtful
Newlyweds are always advised to never let the sun set on an argument, but when you're boiling mad, someone's definitely sleeping on the couch. It's probably not literally 'sleeping angry,' but do not let an argument go unresolved. Dialogue when each of you has cooled down. If an agreement is not yet possible at that point, at least acknowledge and respect the spouse's feelings. Seek assistance, like counseling, if this will help. Sometimes, it's the seemingly innocuous little arguments that can snowball into one big disaster. Breakdown of marriages usually happens when 'minor' conflicts are not addressed. These 'minor' problems can build up negative emotions.
Don't assume your partner is a mind-reader
Many people don't know how to express their feelings, or worse, expect that their partner should know what they want. It is important that openness and communication is encouraged in the relationship. Set aside time for just the two of you at least once a week. Give your spouse your full attention; listen without judgment. Remember that communication is two-way.
Show your appreciation daily
A marriage's silent enemy is being taken for granted. Don't wait till bitterness sets in before you try to bring back that loving feeling. Everyday, pay your spouse a sincere compliment, show your gratitude, and express your affection. Remember the things you value about your marriage and the good traits of your spouse. This will help reaffirm your commitment and strengthen you in facing the challenges that may come your way. Make an effort to make your spouse feel important, appreciated, and loved. Love has to be expressed.
Grow (old) together
Getting married doesn't mean giving up your individuality. When you're in a relationship that allows for personal growth, you each bring something to the relationship. One main element in a happy marriage are two happy individuals. Each one must give importance to the well-being of the other. Each one must be supported, respected, affirmed, appreciated and loved. However, don't forget to enjoy shared activities as well, so that you grow together.
Remember that you are partners. Appreciate each one's contribution in strengthening the relationship, respect each other as equal, look out for the well-being of the other as you would for yourself. Bottomline: with love, affection, laughter, faith, limitless patience and mutual respect, your relationship can deepen after the honeymoon and you can look forward to living happily EVEN after.
My take away
After reading through "Dont assume your partner is a mind reader" led me to recall habit 5 of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. I wanted to practice the 7 habits after attending the course. I guess I left it at the back of my mind due to the busy work schedule, got to sharpen my saw.
Be pro-active about your issues
Gone are the days when couples counseling meant you were headed for splitsville. Instead of being confused by conflicting unsolicited advice, many modern couples seek professional or spiritual guidance from a neutral third party. There are different reasons couples come to counseling: the need for clarification on certain issues like parenting, roles and expectations; because of a current crisis like accidents, death, or financials; or to find healing like in cases of infidelity. A common factor is to seek assistance in understanding, accepting, and healing a current situation that is causing pain or confusion in the relationship.
The element of surprise
Every so often, do something unexpected to keep the passion alive. Simple thoughtful acts—like surprise visit to his/her office for a lunch date, love-notes, weekend getaways, cooking special meals, giving gifts even when there's no occasion, a soothing massage—can add flavor to daily routines as a couple.
Put your partner before your pride
Instead of playing the blame game, put yourself in your spouse's shoes and see the situation from his point of view. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Cool off before saying something hurtful
Newlyweds are always advised to never let the sun set on an argument, but when you're boiling mad, someone's definitely sleeping on the couch. It's probably not literally 'sleeping angry,' but do not let an argument go unresolved. Dialogue when each of you has cooled down. If an agreement is not yet possible at that point, at least acknowledge and respect the spouse's feelings. Seek assistance, like counseling, if this will help. Sometimes, it's the seemingly innocuous little arguments that can snowball into one big disaster. Breakdown of marriages usually happens when 'minor' conflicts are not addressed. These 'minor' problems can build up negative emotions.
Don't assume your partner is a mind-reader
Many people don't know how to express their feelings, or worse, expect that their partner should know what they want. It is important that openness and communication is encouraged in the relationship. Set aside time for just the two of you at least once a week. Give your spouse your full attention; listen without judgment. Remember that communication is two-way.
Show your appreciation daily
A marriage's silent enemy is being taken for granted. Don't wait till bitterness sets in before you try to bring back that loving feeling. Everyday, pay your spouse a sincere compliment, show your gratitude, and express your affection. Remember the things you value about your marriage and the good traits of your spouse. This will help reaffirm your commitment and strengthen you in facing the challenges that may come your way. Make an effort to make your spouse feel important, appreciated, and loved. Love has to be expressed.
Grow (old) together
Getting married doesn't mean giving up your individuality. When you're in a relationship that allows for personal growth, you each bring something to the relationship. One main element in a happy marriage are two happy individuals. Each one must give importance to the well-being of the other. Each one must be supported, respected, affirmed, appreciated and loved. However, don't forget to enjoy shared activities as well, so that you grow together.
Remember that you are partners. Appreciate each one's contribution in strengthening the relationship, respect each other as equal, look out for the well-being of the other as you would for yourself. Bottomline: with love, affection, laughter, faith, limitless patience and mutual respect, your relationship can deepen after the honeymoon and you can look forward to living happily EVEN after.
My take away
After reading through "Dont assume your partner is a mind reader" led me to recall habit 5 of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. I wanted to practice the 7 habits after attending the course. I guess I left it at the back of my mind due to the busy work schedule, got to sharpen my saw.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Journey Of Love Talk

1. Romancing your marriage. A talk on sexual intimacy by Dr Peter Chew, senior consultant gynaecologist
2. “Love” food Cooking Demonstration prepared by Celebrity Chef, Ho Tien Tsai from award winning Tien Court Restaurant
3. High-Tea at Connections Lounge
Valentine's Day 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Expedite 433B?
I read through the Fernvale Palms FB that the main contractor is expediting block 433B now, to be the first to hand over. Though, it is still unknown if it's true, it's a good hope. His comments was rather accurate previously. Wish that the main contractor will shift his manpower from Fernvale Crest after it's completion to our Palms to expedite the whole construction for palms. With a little bit of luck, we may get out flats in March next year.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
After The Big Fight
We had a big fight today, though i feel we are both not at fault. My takeaway - I will be more thoughtful to her and I do love her even more after the fight. What about hers?
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Movie - The Wedding Diary

We caught the movie - The Wedding Diary at AMK hub today. The movie depicted the couple's wedding preparation and the disparity in perceived wealth. Though it is an average movie, it is enjoying for us since we are in the mids of our preparation too.
Our last girlfriend-boyfriend Valentine's Day is round the corner.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Fernvale LRT Commercial Development

Dr Lam, MP for Sengkang West, commented that the shopping mall will be as big as West Mall and 2/3 the size of West Mall.
Hope the mall has:
(a) cinema
(b) NTUC extra
(c) 24 hours dinning food court / coffee shop
(d) soup spoon ^
(e) bubble tea shop ^
(f) Singapore pools
(g) coffee bean / starbucks
(h) MacDonalds
(i) banks and atm (added on 13 feb 12)
disclaimer ^ are shops I think dear would want.
I will compare the shops in the mall with this list when it starts revenue in the future.
disclaimer ^ are shops I think dear would want.
I will compare the shops in the mall with this list when it starts revenue in the future.
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